Harper Reed's Blog

Harper Reed's Blog

Musing from a normal person doing normal things

My name is Harper Reed, and this is my blog. If you want to know more about me, visit my website: harper.lol.

Here you will find longer form blog posts, and some short form notes.

I typically post about hacks I am building, general thoughts on technology, and some snaps of friends.

You can find out what I am up to Now and you can subscribe to my RSS feed.

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31 Jul 2024

Contact management in 2024: Stupid vcard tricks for hackers

Too many contacts, apps crashing. Ditched fancy solutions for old-school vCards and vdir. Wrote scripts, used khard for CLI management, vdirsyncer for syncing. Deduped, sorted, version-controlled my digital Rolodex. Google's still a pain with UIDs. It's messy, it's overkill, but it's mine. Command-line junkies, this one's for you!

12 Apr 2024

I accidentally built a meme search engine

I built a magical meme search engine using siglip/CLIP and vector encoding images. It was a fun way to learn about this powerful technology. I'm sharing the code so you can build your own and discover forgotten gems in your photo library. Let's unleash the power of AI on our images!

26 Mar 2024
18 Mar 2024
11 Mar 2024