
Harper Reed's Blog

Domains 4 me. ....

· 88 words · 1 minutes ·

Please note: This post was written some time ago (23 years ago). I was only 22 years old when this post was written. My perspectives, knowledge, and opinions may have evolved significantly since then. While the content might still offer valuable insights, I encourage readers to consider it in the context of its publication date.

So i went and got some new domains, which jumps my number of domains to 35 or so. Here is the list:
bitchmech.com, cornellstudent.com, cornellstudent.net, destroytech.com, destroytechnology.com, destrukt.org, dopeman.org, greeleyapartments.net, greeleyapartments.org, greeleymanagement.com, , greeleyrealestate.net, in5anity.com, in5anity.net, in5anity.org, kinnera.net, kinnera.org, riottech.net, techkill.com, therats.org, adita.org, oldvd.org, ridnourfamily.org, jamiereed.org, stevereed.org, dylanreed.org, harperreed.net, harperreed.org, nata2.com, nata2.net, nata2.org, propertytechnica.net, propertytechnica.org, propertytechnica.com,reedbooks.org, thejugglers.org.
HeHe. Some of them are super lame. some ar for friends, but i just registered the name, but most are for fun and future… See if you can find the secret.