Corporate Culture
Please note: This post was written some time ago (24 years ago). I was only 22 years old when this post was written. My perspectives, knowledge, and opinions may have evolved significantly since then. While the content might still offer valuable insights, I encourage readers to consider it in the context of its publication date.
Sometimes, just when I think I understand something it explodes and blows up in my face.. making me look silly and dumb. One of those things is corporate culture. I think it is very similar to the rings on a tree, but rather than age - it maps how slow to change the corporation is. Take my institution, it is a very old and rather successful company. Ithas maintained a profit on the web and uses a “good” business model. It was pioneered by IBM and managed internally. We are having to face the internet as everyother company has had to face it before us. We need to detirmine what our priorities are and what needs to exist in out “world.” The problem is, is that the “new” business of the interenet is fundamentally incompatible with WB’s business past. So we are facing the end of a paradigm. We are ending one of the concentric tree rings. We are starting another. but the corporate culture is rejecting this change like a stolen kidney. It is tough. No one wants to play the “internet” game. They all want to “relax.”
i got bored of ranting and started finding a WYSIWYG editor for this weblog.. alas… I will be back I imagine