Harper Reed's Blog

Harper Reed's Blog

Musing from a normal person doing normal things

07 Jan 2002


Please note: This post was written some time ago (22 years ago). I was only 23 years old when this post was written. My perspectives, knowledge, and opinions may have evolved significantly since then. While the content might still offer valuable insights, I encourage readers to consider it in the context of its publication date.

Today a dumb ass cracker rooted one of my boxes. It was a cobalt RaQ and was running sendmail and an old version of sshd, so it “deserved it.” I had done a lot to make it more secure, however the default web admin tools that my clients use relied on sendmail and telnet and such. it was super sketchy. So anyway, the reason I say that it was a dumb ass cracker, was because they tried to install a rootkit on the box.. and fucked it all up. The were not smooth at all. I was under the assumption that a rootkit was to hide the fact tah tthe box had been rooted from the sysadmins… so the installation should be smooth… for instance.. if this box got rooted.. and had a good implementation of a root kit installed.. I wouldn’t know.. and suddenly I woul dbe part of a massive DDOS against some poor geek. Well whatever. it was a learning experience.. I hope it was for some poor hacker as well.. especially thanks to the people at shellyeah.org for providing quicka nd easy shells to login to so that fuxoring some poor saps “insecure” box is tha much easier.. and also thanks goes to media-0.com whose box was also rooted(i am assuming) for providing an easy place for said hacker to connect to my box with.. Well.. hoepfully I don’t lose all my clients and be stuck with a massive hosting bill and have to sell a kidney.. lets hope shall we.. ready…