indy 500 - b00ya
Please note: This post was written some time ago (23 years ago). I was only 23 years old when this post was written. My perspectives, knowledge, and opinions may have evolved significantly since then. While the content might still offer valuable insights, I encourage readers to consider it in the context of its publication date.
So this weekend was quite somthing. Friday night I went out with friends to a coupl eclubs. and hung out with “rockstars.” it was fun. They are all very nice. And strangly.. a high number of them are apparently computer people. it is wierd. I ended up staying out til 5 that night which was a shock to myself. I didn’t mean to at all. heh… whoops
so after a late start.. my friend kayne and I headed out to indianapolis for the indy 500. he has a miata.. which is a freakin small car.. but it rides really well.. it was “sporty.” We showed up around 4:00 and met my father and his friends. They are funny people. My father had brought my families scooters.. so kayne and myself spent a lot of the day yesterday helling about indianapolis on the scooters. they are really fun. I suddenly understand the scooter pnks and the fun they always seem to be having. it was so cool… so anyway.. the race today was crazy. we had really good seats. and a coup[le crazy “incidents” occured right in front of our seats. it was insane. those cars go very vyer fast. It sucked because the winner totally “tricked” himself into a win. it was kinda sketchy. so so fast..