
Harper Reed's Blog


· 94 words · 1 minutes ·

Please note: This post was written some time ago (23 years ago). I was only 23 years old when this post was written. My perspectives, knowledge, and opinions may have evolved significantly since then. While the content might still offer valuable insights, I encourage readers to consider it in the context of its publication date.

for news goto:

  • Rense.com - kinda sketchy but interesting and fun filled. also a tad bit anti-israel/semitic(kind sketchy).
  • Drudge Report - a very simple and effective website. Sometimes it is nonsense.. or stupid poli-fashion shit. but its usually worth the visit.
  • RATM current event page - this is a pretty good collection of links, that is seemingly updated daily. It is sanctioned by RATM which is funny.
  • Indymedia - a democratic media outlet. sometimes good.. sometimes dumb
  • cnn - heh.

    so those are the links that make up my every morning. check em out.