today is kinda weird
Please note: This post was written some time ago (23 years ago). I was only 23 years old when this post was written. My perspectives, knowledge, and opinions may have evolved significantly since then. While the content might still offer valuable insights, I encourage readers to consider it in the context of its publication date.
something is strangely off about today. maybe it is the cloud cover.. maybe the temp. maybe the wind.. maybe the lack of reality within my already pallid life.. maybe the drama I make up in sentences like the last one. ;).. but no matter what it is.. it looks like bush and his iraq issue is coming to a head.
apparently a outspoken and often-ally of bush is making statements about how an attack on iraq would lead to apocalypse. Notice how the link is to a british newspapar. it is pretty screwed up that the U.S. media will not print ANY dissident viewpoints.It is rather disappointing that coverage of something like this is so based outside of the U.S. Meanwhile Iraq is mobilizing its military. Well duh! Iraq is also trying to appeal to the UN for continued talks … and all the while bush talks his rhetoric.. how does the U.S. put up with him. he is ruining the world. He broke the economy(not just him mind you.. but he certainly didn’t help it).. he broke the world… he destroyed the trust the world had for us.. he let the terrorists win.. he is a horrible president. I really feel that he shoudl be impeached. and not for some frilly shit like clinton.. he should be impeached for trying to start world war three. for being a war monger and a bully. for abandoning our world leader roll for a smaller and much more dangerous roll of world bully. I think it is time to start the movement to remove him from office.. via democratic response to his insane policy.
i have been thinking a lot about the statement “the terrorists have already won.” and I have come to the conclusion that the terrorists won the moment the U.S. allowed our everyday life to be affected by the terrorist actions. I don’t think we shoudl have ignored the attack on new york, but I do not think that war is the answer.. that showed the terroist organizations that we are effected by terrorism. If we would have just rebuilt the WTC and made our security systems tighter.. fixing the problems.. we would have appeared very strong to the terrorist camps.. however.. with our continued attacks…jeers and whatnot.. we appear as cowards.. a giant nation that is brought down to its knees by a small group of angry and militant people. look at other countries.. like pakistan, isreal, india, n. ireland.. etc.. they all deal with terrorism.. but they do not let it affect and change their daily lives.. bush lost the war on terrorism the moment he started it. and unfortunantly the U.S. people did not stop it quick enough(or at all) to halt any of the worldly damage that we did…