Harper Reed's Blog

Harper Reed's Blog

Musing from a normal person doing normal things

16 Jun 2003

very nice and sad weekend

Please note: This post was written some time ago (21 years ago). My perspectives, knowledge, and opinions may have evolved significantly since then. While the content might still offer valuable insights, I encourage readers to consider it in the context of its publication date.

So this weekend was erally great. So much nice stuff happened and went down.. but all because of a very sad reason.. Yesterday bec left for miami.. :( - hopefully we will see her again. I really enjoyed hanging out and getting to know her. I wish her the best of luck and hope to her from her soon.. however the saying goodbye part was soo sad. I hate being sad and goodbyes are the hardest part. especially when the person is nice and ultra cool. doh times 10.

so on friday - I got home from doing a BUNCH of work and helped Hiromi make pot stickers(gyoza) and helped serve the really great meal she prepared for us all. It was quite nice. all of my roomates were there and we all tried crazy vegemite. it is gross - although the vegans all thought it ruled. stupid vegans. after the dinner.. we went to marcia’s house for her party. it was fun. a bunch of photo people. I didn’t blend in well. I don’t know a thing about photo.. hehe. however, once we broke out the hula hoop - it was all good. matiss and I had to demonstrate our skill at two person hula hoop. then we went to sleep..

on saturday we went to Mas. it was a very very nice meal. we all had seafood. it was great. such good food. After Mas we went to a party - which sucked.. but was funny. nic was there. he looked good. ;). we then went to the empty bottle for modfest or whatever and then went to exit. at some time bec did a little dance for us

sunday we all went to lula for a little breakfast. it was once again a really nice time. afterwards we went to my house and juggled a bunch. matiss and bec worked on standing on one another. it actually worked - weird.. well it didn’t always work. but for ther most part they got it.

it was really sad to see her go. but it was very nice having her here.. and I felt she left at the peak of things..

this weekend was very strange.. over all. it was full of such decadence. I really enjoyed it. my favorite thing in the world is to hang out with a select few people and have a really gerat dinner. that is pretty much all that went down this weekend.. it was also strange to say goodbye.. and also weird cuz of stuff between marcia and myself.. well not weird but sadly expected.. overall the weekend was so up and down. the lows were really low.. but the highs were so high it was out of control. the dinner at mas was one of the best I have had.. here in chicago.

out of hand