
Harper Reed's Blog

i am a good pilot

· 252 words · 2 minutes ·

Please note: This post was written some time ago (22 years ago). I was only 24 years old when this post was written. My perspectives, knowledge, and opinions may have evolved significantly since then. While the content might still offer valuable insights, I encourage readers to consider it in the context of its publication date.

Oh yea.. I am..

phunktoad (11:51:39 AM): I forgot to tell you about the dream I had last night
phunktoad (11:51:45 AM): it had you and liz in it
phunktoad (11:52:03 AM): so you and her came over to beth's place, and you tell me that you both were taking flying lessons
phunktoad (11:52:09 AM): and you wanted to show me
phunktoad (11:52:16 AM): so we get into a car and drive out to the country
phunktoad (11:52:45 AM): and there's this airport on an island, has this huge moat-like lake around if
phunktoad (11:52:46 AM): it
phunktoad (11:53:56 AM): so we take this massive bridge over the water, and we get to the air plan
phunktoad (11:53:57 AM): e
phunktoad (11:54:10 AM): and its not a normal little prop plane like you would expect, its this massive 747
phunktoad (11:54:15 AM): so we get in and liz is flying
phunktoad (11:54:30 AM): she takes off and everything and i'm all amazed that you guys know how to fly the plane
phunktoad (11:54:43 AM): so then you take the controls, and you _totally_ do not know how to fly
phunktoad (11:55:09 AM): it was awful, the plane kept going back and forth and faster and slower like on a really bad roller coaster
phunktoad (11:55:20 AM): and we start to crash, so liz takes the controls back and lands us in a field
phunktoad (11:55:30 AM): and thats pretty much all I remember
linUXkilla (11:55:41 AM): I rule so much
told you..