things are weird
Please note: This post was written some time ago (22 years ago). I was only 24 years old when this post was written. My perspectives, knowledge, and opinions may have evolved significantly since then. While the content might still offer valuable insights, I encourage readers to consider it in the context of its publication date.
so I am home. my parents picked me up from the airport and we went to eat at the cherry creek grill. it was nice. it was very colorado. afterwards I was driving and I went to shut a door and I cut my finger all up.
so being home is nice. I really have njoyed hanging with my rents for the past month and will enjoy hanging out with them this coming month. I do wish, however, thst we were meeting this week for a different reason. it is kinda scary to have a sick or ailing parent. us children feel very helpless. such a sad feeling. because we arn’t helpless - we are able tofully support our parents and what not - it is just a paradihgm shift of who is the immortal ones and who isn’t.
so my fathers surgery is scheduled for early tuesday morning. dylan and I will be there, as will my mom. I will of course keep everyone informed. it is weird cuz the surgery has a high success rate - but it is still heart surgery. so it is scary. I have never really seriously talked with my parents about them dieing - but now we have to. stupid no good hearts. ;) luckily we have a great outlook on life and everyone is happy and loving. no matter what happens.. it will work out. ahhh fatalism.