sometimes things happen and you understand but they aren't easy
Please note: This post was written some time ago (21 years ago). My perspectives, knowledge, and opinions may have evolved significantly since then. While the content might still offer valuable insights, I encourage readers to consider it in the context of its publication date.
tonight was one of those times. where it all makes semse but it didn’t make anything better or easier. only harder. but it will get better. I know it. in fact I feel better already about this one than I did about the last time. hah. so I guess I am a free agent. which I am not relaly happy about. I don’t want to be a free agent. stupid agents. but I do think that this decision will lead to a better place for both morgan and myself. I just feel that soemtimes shit gets harder than I like it to. especially when relationships get ill.
i hate breaking up. more than almost anything else. it is sad
maybe I will buy a bike tomorrow. and ride it. maybe I will sleep all day and ignore my life for a second. I really want something to work out. it has been a really tough couple days. just something go right for a second. that is all I ask. maybe imap fixing itself woudl do it. but whatever. at this point I am not picky.
i could probably use a hug. or a pop. a hug would be better.