
Harper Reed's Blog

hehe. i love bush

· 335 words · 2 minutes ·

Please note: This post was written some time ago (20 years ago). My perspectives, knowledge, and opinions may have evolved significantly since then. While the content might still offer valuable insights, I encourage readers to consider it in the context of its publication date.

check out this comic. so very very true. unfortunately it is being banned by newspapers all over. too bad it is true. heh. I love shit like that.

Some really exciting things are going down right now. I am almost finished with my fathers site and should be moving on to another couple sites. I started another project and have bundles more to do. stupid projects. always taking my time.

one of the cooler projects I started is a port of the bbs door cripple smash. it was a game me and my friends played in high school a bunch. but it was written to work on a bbs (as doors were :P) and we want to port it to become a PHP web app. i tracked down the author a couple(5 years ago) and we talked about doing the port - but nothing came of it. so when he contacted me on Monday I jumped to action. it rules.

i love neat things.

i am thinking about making a magnetic stripe reader. also writing a camophone interface in python for my series 60 phone. this would make things fun. I could be out and demo the camophone capabilities to anyone. rule.

this weekend I am going to Colorado to help my parents with their website and to hang out with my cousins. I am pretty excited about being away again. I need more vacations. I need to start reading again. I finally got the rest of my fancy series. haha. stupid fantasy novels. I hate them - but they are so good. haha. totally cool. TOTALLY COOL.

ok. I really need to spend some time later and just move nata2 to its new design. stupid sleep. as my friend andy just said to me:

(10:24:59) Andy Carlson: I think I am going to stop sleeping
(10:25:04) Andy Carlson: it takes too long

So true. stupid sleep. maybe I will start using amphetamines. that should solve the annoying sleep problem. ;)

check out my new shoes.