see.. i told you so.
Please note: This post was written some time ago (20 years ago). My perspectives, knowledge, and opinions may have evolved significantly since then. While the content might still offer valuable insights, I encourage readers to consider it in the context of its publication date.
So i had written some crappy post on how i made this it said:
here check it out here. i have been listening to only t. rex. i love it.
After thinking about it - i decided that this weekend deserved a better entry than “yea look here blah blah blah.” So here goes.
Friday was the fischerspooner show/dj thing at crobar. it was nice. a pretty big event. it was nice to see everything all done up and to see everyone that came out. My friend danielle had just moved from california so it was really nice to see her. hiromi hung out and got really drunk - heh. so yea. that ruled. i got home around 4:00 and read a bit in my fancy chorrtr book. it was awesome. i love these books. the crazy thing about that event is that it was sponsored by camel. so they had the camel logo everywhere. and they didn’t allow people to take pictures. they didn’t want anyone under 18 to see the camel brand. so they didn’t want any unauthorized pictures taken. it sucked. heh.
so saturday i decided to really chill out. i had to wake up early to meet the peapod guy (btw - peapod rules - who would have thought that you could do EVERYTHING on the internet - including buy/shop for groceries. i really think this internet thing is going to take off… ) anyway.. i was hanging out reading and chilling. finished the third book of the series. and decided to sit around.. play computer and ended up reading about ipsp in make magazine. it rules. i kinda really want a sony psp. maybe i will try and get someone to buy one for me. haha. “please matiss.. buy me a psp”. the psp seems like a good platform for some cool hacks to occur. i think that the combination of my skills and the fanciness of the psp would roxor. i could write a bunch of fancy applications. like email, messaging .. blah blah blah. the thing i really want is a usb keyboard and a shell for the psp. that way i could do some fanciness with the wifi and the net stuff. or it woudl be cool to have an nmap clone for psp. hah. or nessus. that would RULE. sit there and do network assessments and shit with the psp. so clean. hah. so i was hanging out with matt and it was all i could do to not ride my bike to best buy and purchase one. the problem is… it is sooo damn expensive. i don’t want to pay 250 for a haxor device. i mean. i will… haha.. but i don’t want to. ;)
so instead of a psp i purchased scarface and the first and second season of the office. we watched a couple episodes of the office and then made it halfway through scarface. i worked on my computer after a bit and then hiromi crashed. i continued working powered on my peapodded goldfish crackers and dr. pepper. rule. so at about 2:30 i decided it was time for me to do one of those fancy google map hacks. i had always found the chicago sexual offenders registry to be rather interesting and scary. it is really amazing. so anyway. i downloaded the info from the site and then i wrote a bunch of scripts that parsed the infor into a database. it was a pain. from here i would display the data in the google maps specific XML flavor. this was not as hard as i expected. the previous google map hackers had documented this process rather well. so i generated the appropriate xml and then BAM. i went to bed. hah. that was at 6:30 am. hah.
so i woke up this morning and decided to haxor my way through the remaining portions. i designed it all up. and made it fancy. and here it is: Chicago Sex Offenders Registry (Google) Maps. Bam. Pretty scary. put in logan’s square - 60647. its like you can define the entire zip code boundries by the sex offenders. this data mapped to a map and seen in this light really brings to light some privacy issues. but they are criminals and they already made their choice. still. it is pretty scary.
so after i finished up this little hack i rode my bike to montrose beach and went to my friend bryan’s engagement party. him and his wife are having a baby. it is pretty exciting. we hung out. geeked out about cars and phones. chilled. then i was gunna ride back to logan square but instead bryan gave me a lift in his GHETTO GHETTO jetta. hah. rule.
then i met with the lumpen peeps about some projects. i think we have a railsday candidate. it should be exciting. i hope it works out. we shall see soon enough.
i am now watching scarface with hiromi. getting ready for bed. i have a bunch of ideas. lots of fun stuff. musicblogger shoudl be going live this week. maybe something exciting will be happening. nobody knows.
scarface is awesome. i love it. i want that kind of money. however. i don’t want to kill people or do/sell drugs.
sXe for life
ok. done. i gotta go read book four of my worm books.
es ist worm.