
Harper Reed's Blog

whew.. almost all done..

· 119 words · 1 minutes ·

Please note: This post was written some time ago (19 years ago). My perspectives, knowledge, and opinions may have evolved significantly since then. While the content might still offer valuable insights, I encourage readers to consider it in the context of its publication date.

So everything worked out and Hiromi and I were married on tuesday. It was really fun. and really barely more than signing a paper. which i liked quite a bit. Today we did the first part of the visa stuff. It was insane. and really crazy. totally stressful. government offices are annoying and really bureaucratic. i felt like i was in a terry gilliam movie. hah. But we are almost done - and the next part doesn’t seem to be too much different than this part - just a bit more “official.”

Well i am off. I will of course update everyone with all that happened in a little bit. but in the meantime - chekc out the pictures.