Relaxing weekend
Please note: This post was written some time ago (19 years ago). My perspectives, knowledge, and opinions may have evolved significantly since then. While the content might still offer valuable insights, I encourage readers to consider it in the context of its publication date.
This weekend was great. I basically did nothing. I barely went out, saw some great performances and hung out with Matiss and Mark. It ruled.
I didn't have work on Friday. The Jakes gave us all the choice of taking off Friday or Monday - because we all worked for such a long run while moving. I decided to take Friday off to prepare for our "juggling show" at the Lumpen space on the southside. So on Friday mark came over and we chilled out for a minute. Did some really minute planning for our juggling show and ate grilled cheese. Fun Fun. Then we went and purchased our pumpkins and whatnot. and finally made it to my work. The new skinnyCorp space really is a great place to juggle. It has a great stereo (really an insane stereo), HUGE ceilings and fun people. Its also awesome - because we can give up on juggling and play half life. w00t.
So anyway, Mark and I juggled and hung out until Matiss came. Then we ran through our potential show and then fucked around. It funny that when Matiss, mark and myself get together in a huge space where we can juggle, play video games or play whiffle ball - we play whiffle ball. wtf. So then we headed out.
The space we juggled at was crazy. Seriously nuts. It is Edmar's new space. A huge storefront with apartments on top. It looks bombed out right now - but Edmar says he is going to redo most of it. It will be really cool - cuz its pretty neat now. I felt like I was in a western - with the bar balcony to throw outlaws off and everything. It was also really cold. Heat is obviously one of the things Edmar will be adding later. We juggled and the show went pretty good. It was cold and we were juggling knives - so it was pretty easy to drop. But people seemed to like it and it was fun. So we win. Then I came back home and went out with Tag. We ended up going to Subt and then Soundbar. Pretty lame - or maybe I was just tired. I didn't really want to be out. So I went home. hah. And SLEPT.
Saturday was equally as lazy. I got up. Read, played with Google analytics (checking on flashandburn) and just chilled. Then I went and met up with Mark and Matiss downtown to watch some of our friends do their midnight circus gig in dailey plaza. It was fun. I really like the circus kids and it was a great time seeing Keith. Hopefully we will go out again. After the circus we all went to some weird bar downtown called exchequer. It was so very "bar." Our waiter was named Gabe - he pronounced it with emphasis on the gayBE. apparently he didn't want us to think he was named gay. ahh humor.
After drinking my 1.2 22oz beers I decided it was time to head home. We all parted company and I came home and crashed hard. Into the wall that is affectionately known as my bed.
Today I just debugged my shoddy cable connection (comcast sucks btw) and then had some grilled cheese. and now I am blogging.
In other news - my youtube badge is getting a lot of publicity. I have had around 500 people make their own badges and a bit of writeups in popular blogs. Quite nice. I love making tools that become usable. Apparently their are not a lot of ways to easily syndicate your youtube video list. I don't understand why this is hard. it is really easy. I guess I will need to make some more "tools" for people.
One thing I noticed while making these tools is how having a bundle of domain names is killing me. haha. Besides spending too much money on domains, I think that diversifying my sites across 4 or 5 domains is detrimental to my overall Internet presence. For instance - I am 11 in google search ranking for "harper." I feel that if all of this publicity was going to - I may be able to break into the top ten. damn it. hah. someday... I suppose I will garner a top 10 spot.
I really do love windows live writer. I am currently editing two blog posts and jumping between the two while doing research on the web. it rules. also. my cable is down - so I don't have to be online to write in my blog. its nice. you should use it.