
Harper Reed's Blog

Shutting out the Sun: an interesting book about Japan

· 624 words · 3 minutes ·

Please note: This post was written some time ago (19 years ago). My perspectives, knowledge, and opinions may have evolved significantly since then. While the content might still offer valuable insights, I encourage readers to consider it in the context of its publication date.

I have been reading this awesome book called Shutting out the Sun. It is by a Knight Ridder reporter who spent a lot of time in Japan and the surrounding area. I had originally heard about the book when I caught him speaking on NPR about the topic of the book - hikikomori. It struck me as a quite interesting phenomena and with the time recently that I have spent in japan - a rather topical book to read.

The hikikomori are apparently Japanese men who are stuck in their rooms. They don't leave their rooms/houses and exhibit extreme anti-social behavior - a basic refusal to participate in society. What is interesting is that the hikikomori don't fit into the normal western  idea of a depressed person, and they exhibit all sorts of unique traits. For instance, the hikikomori seem to be less afraid of talking to foreigners than talking to Japanese people; they are mostly men, very few women are hikikomori; and are perceived to be very violent. According to the book, the hikikomori are basically rebelling against the very fabric of the Japanese collectivist society. They are lost individuals who don't want and cannot fit into the rigid Japanese world of invisible rules and high honor. The hikikomori are pressured into not revealing themselves due to the Japanese fear of mental illness and the scary potential of shaming their family. Sad.

The book was also full of some very interesting passages. From the short amount of time I spent in Japan I am not totally surprised by what they said - but it is always interesting when your quick off the cuff judgements are held up with reality (apparently). Check it out:

There are a lot more interesting passages - but you should obviously read the book. it is quite good and discusses quite a bit about the more mysterious parts of the our perception of Japanese society.

Check out the author, Michael Zielenziger's blog. It is interesting and currently has a bunch of commentary about North Korea.