
Harper Reed's Blog

Google Mashup Editor

· 94 words · 1 minutes

Please note: This post was written some time ago (17 years ago). My perspectives, knowledge, and opinions may have evolved significantly since then. While the content might still offer valuable insights, I encourage readers to consider it in the context of its publication date.

Today I got access to the Google Mashup Editor. it is really nifty. I like it. The samples are amazing. I can’t wait to sit down and play with it comprehensively. its really neat that the data is accessible with the gdata api.

I think that combining this and yahoo pipes could lead to interesting results. Making a language translating feed reader, or a yahoo local/Google base mashup. Combining the magic of feeds with the webapp magic of Google mashup editor. Magic!

I need more time!

[tags]google, google mashup editor, mashups, yahoo, yahoo pipes[/tags]

#google #mashups #technology #data-api