
Harper Reed's Blog

The items we carry

· 148 words · 1 minutes ·

Please note: This post was written some time ago (18 years ago). My perspectives, knowledge, and opinions may have evolved significantly since then. While the content might still offer valuable insights, I encourage readers to consider it in the context of its publication date.

The Items I CarryThe other day I was on flickr and I happened across a friend’s picture of things that he carries in his pockets. I thought it was really neat. He had linked to the photo pool that had a bundle of people following suit. It is amazing. I immediately took a picture of the things I carry around on me on a daily basis.

I don’t have a lot of fancy things. No moleskine, no camera and no iPhone. But I do have burt’s beeswax - which everyone has. Hilarious.

When I posted my picture. I think there were around 80 pictures - now their are 280. awesome. Social software may catch on!

A couple friends have posted what they carry as well. Check out Mike’s pockets and Minnis’ pockets. Check out the rest here. You should do it too!

UPDATE: here is Miriam’s and Megans!

[tags]flickr, pockets, meme[/tags]