Harper Reed's Blog

Harper Reed's Blog

Musing from a normal person doing normal things

10 Jan 2008

Data Portability feeds

Please note: This post was written some time ago (16 years ago). My perspectives, knowledge, and opinions may have evolved significantly since then. While the content might still offer valuable insights, I encourage readers to consider it in the context of its publication date.

The future is obviously data and sharing it.

The dataportability.org data portability group is pretty awesome. It has a boatload of pretty cool people who are talking about amazing stuff. I have done what i always do whenever i find a movement that i appreciate and subscribed to all of the participants blogs. Good stuff thus far.

If you are interested in reading an aggregate - check out my shared DataPortability tag or subscribe to its RSS feed. If you want, I have uploaded an OPML of the participants blogs. Please let me know if i have missed anyone.

I can’t wait to see what comes out of this group. I hope that i will be able to contribute and use their creation in Threadless and various other application.

stay tuned!