2013 was awesome
Please note: This post was written some time ago (11 years ago). My perspectives, knowledge, and opinions may have evolved significantly since then. While the content might still offer valuable insights, I encourage readers to consider it in the context of its publication date.
2013 was rad! Here is some stuff.
First off, I have no idea how to blog. Please bare with me here
Here is a list of awesome things that happened in 2013:
(In absolutely no order)
- I hung out with Hiromi a lot
- Hiromi got promoted. yay
- Hiromi and I bought a condo in Chicago
- I continued to grow and work at the company that Dylan and I founded
- I worked with rad people (and still do!)
- I purchased a few awesome domains
- I got a better company name
- I continued to be a part of a secret cabal of great people
- I played around with bitcoins
- I played around with home automation
- I played around with loud speakers
- I learned a lot about golang.
- I hacked on many raspberry pi boards
- I continued to use VI
- I used a lot of sublime edit 2 (now 3)
- I played enough minecraft for 2012, 2013 and 2014
- I ate at a lot of great restaurants
- I was on the team that won a Webby
- I made my parents car zebra striped
- I spoke publically a LOT
- I did a TED talk about the future of politics for TED U at TED
- I was on TV a lot
- In Italy
- In Singapore
- In Australia
- In Japan
- In the UK
- I was in the news a bunch
- I was mentioned in a couple of books
- One of the books talked about how terrible I was
- I was on the cover of an italian music magazine
- I called German data laws stupid in the german press
- I filmed a game show with a bunch of comedians
- I co-wrote an editorial for the New York Times
- I complained a lot
- I played three pro-werewolf games
- I sledded and almost died
- Google searches for “‘harper reed’ speedo” contain more results
- I said “awesome” a bit less
- I, unfortunantly, used “lol” in chat more
- I traveled a lot
- I stayed in many insane hotels
- Hiromi was able to accompany me on a lot of the trips
- I visited six of the seven continents
- I visited the following countries:
- Australia
- Chile
- England
- Germany
- Hong Kong
- Ireland
- Italy
- Japan
- Macao
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Singapore
- South Africa
- Switzerland
- I flew around 184,922 miles
- I flew 18 different airlines
- I visited 39 airports
- I became a mileage weirdo and “earned” status on two airlines
- I hung out with a few insane people
- I met a bunch of people who I hope to interact with again
- I prepared for 2014
- I ripped all my CDs to FLAC (hopefully for the last time)
- I purchased jogging pants jeans
- I bought four button up shirts
- I purchased a tuxedo
- I now own five button up shirts
- I listened to a lot of terrible music via some nice headphones
- I watched my brother juggle fire
- I got my dad a foghorn
- I played around with fiverr a bunch
- One day on twitter I fixed everyone’s problems
- One day on twitter I annoyed all of my friends
- ok. I annoyed my friends more than one day
- I made a lot of jokes
- I went to inauguration
- I went to a White House holiday party
- I purchased a couple meteorites
- I met a guy who has the largest meteorite collection in the world.
- I talked to a brother about meteorites
- I participated in the Seven on Seven competition
- I got a couples massage with a world famous artist
- I got asked about the NSA a lot
- I learned a lot about the NSA from various new sources
- I spent a bit of time at News Limited and The Guardian
- I communicated via PGP way more than 2012
- I hated using GPG
- I never found an answer to why I track a lot of data about myself
- I continued to track a lot of data about myself
- I tweeted 7,722 times
- I retweeted 1,585 people
- I completed 63 books on my Kindle
- I walked 1,620,867 steps according to my fitbit
- That seems to be about 5,178 steps a day
- I only wore my fitbit 313 days :(
- I lost two pounds
- I used public transportation 530 times
- I listened to 16,904 songs according to Last.fm
- I uploaded 647 photos to flickr, instagram or twitter
- I ignored linkedin and facebook
- I forgot a lot of cool stuff that I did in 2013
- I did not post one blog entry
I imagine I forgot a lot of awesome things. It was a great year. I can’t wait for 2014!
Here are some pictures from the 2013: