
Harper Reed's Blog

A collection of snaps, notes and thoughts. Mostly short form. Long stuff is in the blog. You can also view just the photos.


Just got back from Japan - it was really great. Some of my favorite photos of this trip

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i am sad that dopplr isn’t around any longer. I was in japan the last two weeks and missed meeting up with 2 friends who were also visiting!


Proof of life. It’s humid af in Japan atm. Rainy season is here.



i have a long flight soon. i need a new book. what do you recommend? (here is my recently read books: reading.lol)


Just saw the DEVO documentary and it is incredible


related. i broke my m11 and am back to (happily) shooting with my og monochrom. what a wonderful camera.


over covid i shot with a hassleblad 907x. I eventually sold it and got an m11. Shooting with the 907 pushed me to emulate the old 500 style square shot. My shots seemed to turn out better when i was thinking in squares. I now love square crops of my m11 shots. I am addicted


TED is made of people. Again.

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Anyone headed to TED in Vancouver? If so wanna hang out?


πŸ”₯ I accidentally built a meme search engine! πŸ”πŸ˜‚ Learn how I used siglip/CLIP and vector encoding to create a tool that finds similar images and unlocks forgotten gems in your photo library. Code included! πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» πŸ”— harper.blog/2024/04/1…