Harper Reed's Blog

Harper Reed's Blog

Musing from a normal person doing normal things

Now from Jun 9, 2024

  • Playing a bunch with A.I. and ML (like everyone).
    • I believe the hype
  • Listening to a lot of music on vintage hifi gear.
  • Working out a lot.
    • I am aged.
  • Still reading a lot of books. Send me your recs.
  • Trying to blog a lot more and at a regular cadence.
  • Started bringing my camera everywhere, again.
  • The world is continuing to be really strange.
    • Are we all going to die? again?
  • Started Journeling daily (nearly 539 days so far!).
  • Redoing all my websites (2 down, 2ish to go. All in progress.)
    • I need a better plan for sharing photos. Let me know if you have ideas.
    • I am doing a lot with hugo. I love it. It makes me mad.
  • We are starting to build and make things!
    • If you are interested in learning more hmu.
    • If you are interested in commerce and AI hmu.
    • check out 2389 Research
  • Excited for the future.
updated Jun 9, 2024