I started blogging on March 1st, 2000. Since then I have had many different eras of blogging. Some with lots of blog posts, others with very few.
Eras of my blog:
- 2024 – Now – 2389 ( 11 posts ~ 0.75 posts/month )
- 2023 – 2024 – Experimental life phase 3 ( 14 posts ~ 0.58 posts/month )
- 2020 – 2023 – Galactic ( 8 posts ~ 0.17 posts/month )
- 2018 – 2020 – Experimental life phase 2 ( 5 posts ~ 0.14 posts/month )
- 2015 – 2018 – Paypal ( 3 posts ~ 0.06 posts/month )
- 2012 – 2015 – Modest ( 5 posts ~ 0.10 posts/month )
- 2011 – 2012 – Obama time ( 5 posts ~ 0.21 posts/month )
- 2009 – 2011 – Experimental life phase 1 ( 18 posts ~ 0.50 posts/month )
- 2005 – 2009 – Threadless ( 437 posts ~ 1.68 posts/week )
- 2004 – 2005 – Clubbing and second job ( 440 posts ~ 0.60 posts/day )
- 2001 – 2004 – Clubbing and first job ( 934 posts ~ 0.64 posts/day )
- 2000 – 2001 – College ( 130 posts ~ 1.25 posts/week )
Total posts since 2000: 1436 posts ~ 1.09 posts/week
All Posts
- My LLM codegen workflow atm
- New Media
- 2024 in the rear view
- New year, new theme
- Again
- Contact management in 2024: Stupid vcard tricks for hackers
- I accidentally built a meme search engine
- Our Office Avatar pt 1: The office is talking shit again
- How to Leica like a noob who shoots Leica
- Use an llm to automagically generate meaningful git commit messages
- How to easily handle the deluge of iOS notifications
- Harper's climate fiction reading list
- The new new AI tools
- Some thoughts about turntables
- Where to find me now
- Some minor prompt engineering
- What have I been up to?
- Giving
- Digital Contact Tracing and Alerting vs Exposure Alerting
- Harper's 3 tips to surviving Facebook
- Blogging in 2018. Blogs, How Do They Work?
- The future as told by books
- Authors I recommend
- 2013 was awesome
- Thanks
- Me on The Setup: Harper Reed uses this.
- BUSY! busy busy.
- OMG FREE HOSTING: How to use GAE to host static sites for free
- 2010 Retrospective
- Lincoln Square Retrospective
- The Tech Cocktail Startup Mixology Conference
- CTA Hacking, Unofficial APIs and Winning a Data Innovation Award
- Yes! I am a venture hacks scout! Chicago RPZNT
- I migrated this blog to Jekyll on App Engine. So long Wordpress.
- If you see this, this blog is hosted on app engine
- Smitten by the iPad: thoughts and complaints.
- Musings about femtocells: the futures!
- I love phones designed for developing countries.
- 2009 Hosting Summary (or where does Harper host in 2009/2010)
- Leaving Threadless
- My thoughts on the kindle: 1 vs 2 and the iphone app
- Python Oauth Client - Excla.im
- Seven Things (goddamn internet friends)
- 2008 Retrospective
- Happy Holidays
- Chicago Transit API
- Release your applications inner API. Please.
- Mini Hi Fi: The Chase
- Excla.im - a replacement jabber bot
- Japan Tech Friends
- oh yea. i have a blog
- The free new N95 vs the old iPhone
- YES WE CAN. Obama apparently wins the democratic nomination
- Speaking at TechCocktail conference on thursday
- Location hacking. Or how I am addicted to knowing where I am
- The theme for this spring is travel
- Speaking at the University of Arizona
- Social XMPP
- Those parties were awesome!
- TechCocktail Boulder and SXSW! Come see me!
- OLPC Chicago Jabber Server
- Awesome hosting options
- The Mosso Cloud: Requests are not a good metric
- Google Apps Auth: XMPP and Radius idea
- Rails and Wired magazine
- Obama: yes we can
- Putting the blame on your vendors for the win.
- Monsters for you to buy and make your friend!
- Data Portability feeds
- Obama is winning Iowa!
- Going to Japan!
- My battle with desktop Linux
- Chicago Ignite! Our presentation
- AT&T is screwing the Deaf Community
- Desktop Linux....
- Happy thanksgiving
- My servers are offline. :(
- Exciting News!
- Google Contact Manager Hacking
- A vibrant music community has been ended
- A email response from a friend
- Tell him to stay in his tree
- Everyday, because of the internet, I am discovering new music
- No. 10: Medical Pot and the Iraq Veteran
- IRC is a very strange place
- Recent readings. All the books in the past few weeks
- My new fascination: Sachs Madass
- I am not excited for the US to attack Iran
- Our unofficial official wedding party
- I got a new chair: Herman Miller Mirra
- Freakonomics
- I really hate Comcast
- Lollapalooza was really awesome.
- The items we carry
- Harry Potter 7 was good.
- Secret Santa Mix CD Swap
- Harry Potter is coming.
- I am wearing my wedding ring for the first time.
- Awesome weekend. Pownce invites
- Google Talk group chat integration with Jabber Chat
- The iPhone is nifty
- Goddamn Stoners!
- Sicko. You need to see this movie.
- heh. Crackers just tried to social engineer me
- New Window Live Writer released
- Fixing my internet.
- Meraki: mesh wifi for the rest of us
- Hosting woes. Collocation and how Mosso sucks
- Google Mashup Editor
- Flickr Gallery for facebook.
- Online games are killing me: weewar and scrabulous
- Our first CSA experience: Freshpicks.com
- My thoughts on the OLPC.
- I have a idea on the tip of my tongue
- Weekend blues
- WTF TicketMaster
- I am once again a bad blogger.
- Which laptop should I get
- The Digg Rebellion: a breaking of the covenant
- We got a new car
- Matiss' birthday, Aaron visits and Hiromi gets a job
- Sitting in the hotel lobby...
- The twitter plugin that I wish existed
- Grindhouse. An awesome weekend and my new phone love!
- PECL Uploadprogress example
- Rails woes. The slow that is keeping twitter down.
- A Sad Day. RIP Kurt Vonnegut.
- Haxoring the Chumby: My first thoughts
- The whole blogging code of conduct thing.
- New theme
- My upgrade wordpress script
- Sad Google day.
- hmm.
- Memcached on skinnyCorp
- My birthday was awesome
- Watch this Frank Zappa interview
- Its my birthday! What's up now!!!
- Sick.
- My newest twitter hack: Twitter IRC bot
- Wesabe is neat
- Goddamn. I hate Iowa Student loan people.
- My parents Chicago visit. Lots of amazing dining...
- Work gocarts. yea know. the usual.
- Google owns the Internet... again
- Adsense results and website performance
- A lot of stuff in the last month.
- eAccelerator made it faster!
- Chocolate Vegan Cake
- Windows Vista vs OSX - Price comparison
- How I setup blogs for my friends
- I got a Venice Project beta test
- Children of Men. You need to see it. Go Now!
- eek. I've been dugg!
- The longest time with no Internet in recent memory
- Technology is pretty dope. IRC on a plane.
- Going to Japan.
- Old timey music...
- Christmas parties are pretty awesome.
- Pen Island Pens!
- How to hook twitter into a IRC channel
- Watching Lost.
- Twapp - a quick hack to update and view twitter
- Linux distribution for older folks.
- Sometimes blogs are sad
- Thanksgiving'd: Rockets, Capes and family
- stuff.harperreed.org. Last nights web-dev itch
- Woo Hoo. My Google result is getting better
- Mac telephony mailing list
- Driving in Colorado
- Watership.org blogs
- Last night was insane: tags car is broken, hung out with cool peeps
- Don't forget to vote.
- fukung.net - a new face to nata2.info
- Wikipedia is hard to use. WTF Search.
- Halloween! harperreed.org update. I missed the day.
- Gmail Apps for Domains
- I got a new Nokia N73
- Hiromi got her visa!
- Sadly I think I have left slashdot...
- Marking up a magazine - interaction with the editors
- Shutting out the Sun: an interesting book about Japan
- Relaxing weekend
- A fun Ghostbusters easter egg in FireFox/Mozilla
- This is an amazing animation
- Finally. I am back in the real world
- A nice sad video
- This weekend. skinnyCorp Moving
- How to get and watch free TV
- Keith Olbermann is pretty awesome.
- More youTube stuff: I made a youTube badge.
- oldboy
- Some quick youtube hackings
- I love making these silly aggregate sites - reedbooks.org
- Weekend. Phones. blog design.
- Hacking mobile voicemail with Asterisk and caller ID spoofing
- Goddamn fancy phones
- blogs.nata2.org
- Metal Militia: DragonForce, Isis and Hatebreed.
- the most insane thing happened today on the train
- Thoughts about The DECK and PageRank.
- DUNE. american heritage. 2 many djs. accidently
- windows live writer. shows. and what not.
- Marriage. TOKYO.
- a couple things
- falbum broke due to its flickr API key expiring.
- this weekend. it is now cold out. and i am wearing shorts.
- too many entries...
- My Google Talk is broken.
- why i love chicago
- today has been a lazy and rainy day.
- p2ptv client for osx
- whew.. almost all done..
- Big Time!
- last night i had the craziest movie experience ever
- to the person that told me to capitalize my Is and cross my Ts
- I thought you guys should watch this.
- neti pots are rough. well not as rough.. but still a bit rough..
- oh yea.
- What happens when open source needs a closed source solution?
- spiders are apparently good luck
- Concert tickets from the past
- lollapalooza weekends are always the best/craziest/broken
- Wikipedia's lack of good search will be its undoing
- I am apparently listed in wired magazine.
- diet
- Kile and my Mom visited this weekend. eeek tourism!
- Goddamn Joel on software's new google search appliance.
- Worst planning ever. Chicago's buses
- Oh my god. I can see forever
- Weekend Update! Tokyo soon. Work excitement.
- How to sync your phone, iCal and Google Calendar together.
- Why linux isn't mainstream? Bullshit!
- How myspace treats its users
- Six Apart's Vox - nice work.. good aggregation... but i don't want another blog.
- jesus h christ. it is hot up in here.
- Five Simple Things You Can Do to Help Save the World
- Israel/Palestine/Lebanon wtf. We are not in a good place or time.
- OpenDNS Part 2: after using it for a hiphop minute
- New clothes
- Sometime public transportation sucks
- testing out openDNS
- holy damn tired. Juggling for Pride. intonation
- goddamn scifi. and super things... like life changes
- busy.. and i redesigned my blog.
- Hiromi is here! and i just won a windows smart phone
- kinda tired
- DRONE! Flickr, holiday weekends, birthdays and fun. stupid stupid fun.
- I just saw torche.
- horrible things...
- Colorado weekend
- Thanks liz...
- In other news...
- Jon's biodiesel project
- If you guys were really my friends
- Ubuntu
- So i finally came back.
- waiting to fly
- dude! vh1 owns right now
- May 1st Immigration Rally/Parade
- I made a google calendar shared calendar of juggling festivals
- Nokia N80 is released
- gcal: google calendar wordpress plugin
- Yahoo mail beta
- neti pot.
- Man. Oh. Man.
- Mobile
- Stuff I do
- S60 3rd edition app list
- Nokia hash Codes
- 38 S60 tips and tricks
- got gmail back. weird...
- email is not around right now..
- About done. sick. maxbar. barbelith.
- so.. my experience in tokyo
- I am either changing habits or still in jet-lag mode.
- i just woke up... heh. 19 hours of sleep
- woah.. yesterday i was in japan. today i walked all around chicago.
- i made it to tokyo
- Wow. this weekend was frantic and full of sleep.
- I just uploaded a bundle of photos to flickr
- Gumstix, myspace, php and other nerdy stuff.
- Talking to a friend last night we came up with 2 things
- Worked to death.
- My ambient agent project
- OMG. Using flash is the worst way to make a website.
- Investigating the nabaztag
- LOGO network is awesome
- Whew. How i hate PXE.
- I redid jokesareawesome.com
- Geopoli.com. I kinda need some help maybe.
- DANG. Bittorrents are destroying my bandwidth.
- Campfire bot framework v.2 released
- Well i purchased my gumstix.
- Caller id spoofing with PHP and asterisk
- can't sleep. stupid cold.
- Ambient devices. building ideas.
- Campfire perl bot hack
- secret plans. awesome work. contests and other attractions.
- last night.
- i am sleepy
- real quick.
- OSX Asterisk updated
- I think its fixed
- this is a test post
- oh man. i am seriously on the bus.
- best blond joke ever
- goddamn. haha. development and TV
- upgraded to wordpress 2.0
- this is a long awaited post
- blog blog blog... i am so kinda sleepy and tired of blogging for a minute
- squidoo. work. asterisk is awesome.
- wow. flickr. work. umm... holidays. etc.
- Airport internet. Free. W00t. Blocked.
- i just woke up
- I think i forgot i even had a blog
- stupid sleep. i hate you!
- weird...
- I made this tonight
- So weddings. and working. and being poor.
- I am going to Haxor my t-amp. Super Klasse
- t-amp reboxing part 1 of 1
- dang
- t-amp hacking
- squidoo
- homecoming college 2005!!
- all sorts of firey goodness.
- gravity's rainbow
- Sad violent books about society
- hifi zone
- video games, japan some stuff.. and umm.. oh yea. new sites
- Security of a transaction
- blogging is sometimes hard. yea know. cuz it takes effort
- some ideas.
- hahaha. hiromi rules
- Saddest movie ever.. jesus.
- Photolog fixored
- good long weekend.
- watch this
- man... mardi gras is gunna suck this year.
- new skinnyCorp site... check it
- goddamn i rule.
- i rule
- I am going to punch the CTA in the face
- tonight after juggling, after a meeting and after i attempted to goto bed
- work is fun
- working
- long long long long time
- soo.. this was a good day
- Weakest link
- kinda bummed
- Radio Fame.
- sorta car sick.
- driving across the world.
- she wants revenge is my new favorite band.
- Control Room
- HARDCORE! heh. sometimes i love nyc
- damn i am tired. but i scored some speaker equipment.
- hahah. doh. i mean.. umm..
- harry potter rules.
- nyc. gay porn again.
- YoYo
- This weekend rules.
- i am a polyphasic sleeper. woot.
- iBook picture frame
- hehe. life in shambles part 2
- ahhhhhh
- tonight / this weekend
- guess what
- so damned busy
- yep. i need to sleep.
- i like bill murray
- holy butterball
- busy busy busy
- yea. i am going to punch airports in the nuts
- in nyc
- nyc
- IPF!
- mr. & mrs.
- haxoring stuff and rails. and i guess some sleep
- Juicebox haxoring
- Metal Deli
- railsday.com experience
- i live in a russian novel.
- i broke something
- another quick little gmaps hack
- pinpalsclub.com
- the best thing i have ever seen.
- certainly not work related
- kinda sick. so a summary
- Musicblogger launched. Billy Corgan show. etcetc
- i have fallen back..
- oh yea. hackathon idea
- see.. i told you so.
- sleep is for the weak
- i have discovered the magic of fanciness.
- 3gcoding part 2
- 3gcoding part 2
- tonight
- Grocery Grocery
- whale. big. boat. little.
- yeppers
- like a hoody on a hot day
- Yahoo! 360
- eep and roll.
- driveby
- Sleep.
- sickish.. and really tired. clubbing
- tetrinet rules
- tetrinet
- blogs smogs.
- watership ajax'd popular image browser
- ajaxed up on ruby on rails. seriously this time.
- boooya
- insanity for sure
- ruby on rails
- one thousandth post.
- riot tech search engine site
- flickr. crazy clean teeth
- heh. dichotomy. wtf
- phoenix is rather nice
- ohhh... stuff got insane
- coachella
- man.
- .... ugh
- weird i know
- cecil. word
- weekend oh yea
- casshern and itunesblogger
- bunny
- a couple quick things
- Day two try 1 billion
- i HATE the usps. seirously i HATE them
- lunch arrest
- hi ella
- Ecto!! w00t. nee blog software.
- sleepy. my birthday was good
- my birthday
- omg. insanity. chicago cops
- my birthday party at crobar. heh. funfun
- check out my new tool
- sleeeeepy. hungry. hungry. human needs.
- today was hell.
- need sleep. stat. love. csharp.
- i need something to do.. or something
- long ago
- home. home on the range.
- just the other day
- by the time I get to arizona...
- mapper of evil
- hehe. i love bush
- camophone
- Paris hilton.
- skype. long distance. radio waves. and yoyos
- O M G
- life ON mars
- yep. i am kinda sleepy
- in after work boredom
- xmlhttp. tiddlywiki. new design. other stuff
- google is my favorite friend/evil entity
- well well well
- of course.
- heh.
- Nokia 7610
- Ipod Mini, Mac Mini and padded rooms.
- Ipod Mini, Mac Mini and padded rooms.
- wow. today was crazy
- gah.. 18 hour day.
- so busy. but almost done.
- Mac Mini! oh yea. part deux
- old boy.
- wheee
- sleepy
- oh yea. says the octagon
- it appears as though
- work work work
- iBook picture frame
- yo
- fixed
- my sternum is rebeling
- he does stuff
- i am listening to some awesome music.
- i suppose i will continue
- woooooooooooo hooooooo
- free ipod
- my room is a mess
- interesting milestones.
- the stones are falling from the ceiling and making a fortress
- so yea. happy holidays
- i am going to punch your arms with a stick
- i just woke up and i have bad breath.
- i == dumb
- oh yea
- i enjoy the strange and bizarre
- lalala. connect the dots.
- for some unknown and probably trivial reason
- i woke up today. late.
- i suppose, i really do.
- bummer
- doh!
- vote vote vote vote vote vote vote pistacios vote vote
- yea yea yea. i will update my blog..
- w00t hehe. we rule
- asleep
- my eyes are dripping tiredness
- the world never stops
- THEY LIVE again. for the second time.
- Testing
- enders gamer
- I am back. although i never left.
- OGO review
- busted
- o m g. i am sooo busted.
- whew. finally updated. for real.
- woah
- this weekend was a mess
- woah
- scissor sisters
- i get the most awesome email ever
- Playstation 2 hacking
- i had stuff to blog
- i have an experiment
- new new
- trout. i mean lobster.
- heh
- blue blue blue
- yea. a different color altogether. Wedding Story
- pictures pictures pictures
- scared
- when showers attack
- a500hacking forum closed
- ok ok
- ahh sadness
- today of all days
- o m f g
- NOTHING is working
- awesome
- i can't sleep for the life of me. seriously.
- how soon is tomorrow
- cool shoes..
- i am going to stop
- front by front
- oh yes
- fixored
- so tired. this weekend. etv. weddings are fun and weird
- blogs.nata2.org
- figured it out
- oh boy oh boy
- hello hello
- angry for lunch
- i am hungry for launch.
- IJA - i.e. i like to juggle lots.
- Airport waiting
- hey hey itunes haxors
- danzig. zip zig.
- totoro. medicine women
- anaglyph
- happy fourth of july
- oh yea
- hahhaha. XTV Cribs !!
- i drove my bike all around.
- Updates
- Updates
- importing your old mail into gmail :: go cart action
- i got my bike today
- stupid sick :: jokesareawesome.com
- today i lost it
- oh yea. thats right. no idea whats going on.
- work is insane
- i have no idea what i was about to say
- skinny puppy was good
- when dinosaurs attack
- skinny puppy
- yoyoyo all the good men are dieing.
- fifteen inch imac
- supersize
- gmail
- check it out
- even the misfits are misfits
- tonight i stayed in.
- done
- heheh.
- today was pretty fun
- heat is on
- i amaze myself with my ability to not die.
- sick
- released
- congratulations hiromi
- whooooo
- bam. it is done.
- itunes.. automagic updating of recent listened to songs
- sick and tired
- so hungry... omg.. i could eat anything.
- the weekend.
- yea.
- heh.
- last night i took it easy
- ok here it goes:: pictures pictures pictures
- done again
- done
- i know i know
- rupies crack my shit up.
- rupies
- so. this is a story
- photolog 4 life
- i figured out my phone.
- also..
- india. i am in.
- everything is coming together
- cat power
- my world is weird
- tonight
- i didn't get much sleep
- i feel better
- jumble
- photolog
- wheee
- usually
- yep.
- my oh my
- jumpin jumpin
- new camera
- mass
- ein
- visa
- skinny puppy
- red alert
- it has and it will be. ghosts in my eyes
- god damn.
- i spent some time.
- Tmobile WAP 2.0 Settings for 6600
- head kick
- i got the good word.
- mmm
- once again sleep is the loss
- i just got up
- sleep
- check out my new hack
- om
- i hate endings
- oh yea
- whatever. haha.
- gray. i am starting to hate dismantling.
- i don't understand why it has to be this way.
- sometimes things happen and you understand but they aren't easy
- sux0r
- heh. on the road.
- oh yeah
- oh yea.
- omg I should use a computer
- my shirt is too small
- Danger Sidekick: nerd machine
- Nokia 6600
- recently on nata2
- here are some nice things
- so i woke up
- i feel bad
- i begin the resurrection of my servers
- so yea.
- looky here
- here. for you. i got this.
- i hate my new phone.
- something about spring..
- i am incredibly tired.
- ok so i lied
- well
- reality sets n equal to i*9
- yo!
- ok enough
- i feel the need to update this thing.
- work.
- this sucks. i have decided
- so...
- what happens when it all goes wrong.
- i don't like this very much.
- jajaja
- ghosts
- accurate punctures
- wyrd
- umm...
- game game game
- the world.. E.T.A. etc. - nonsese
- incredible
- nobody must know my secret...
- the angels of darkness sweep over you.
- blah blah blah
- walking
- today..
- one of my most hated things
- wyrd
- hurts
- I am on the train
- party
- invitation
- this morning.
- sad
- yea. it is true
- yesterday i wasn't...
- The disaster it could have been...
- night and fog
- omg. sometimes people are really dumb..
- w00t rockstar
- valentines eve. umm.. nope.
- game anew
- competent is not a reality at this point
- sidekick
- hahahahaha. once again.. i rule
- train of thought
- dang girl.
- where i go
- i am a fan of the community networks
- i think i am allergic to my shirt.
- my life
- tired
- whew
- i am not as smart as i was once
- tired.
- i am sleepy
- lock and block
- i didn't shower this morning.
- today == tonight
- lentil soup is roasting my ever dark soul: privacy issues!
- gross
- i am incompetent
- apparently i am teh r0x0r
- unnerving
- madfest weekend.. fun fun
- hiromi and ella..
- yoyo website
- trash and my ruleness absolute.
- heheheh
- amazon
- mine.. mine ... mine.. my yoyo movie.
- yo yo yo
- riot
- good morning.. or not
- del.icio.us link list
- today is awesome
- tee hee
- happy happy
- Jabra bluetooth headset
- traffic
- fuhquake.
- stupid sleep patterns..
- weekend rocks
- i cannot sleep
- i have a bundle of different sites.
- happy new years!!
- sneaky newish IE spoof
- shocked 4 ever
- back at work
- eeeek .. i hate video games. seriously.
- happy xmas and such
- ice skating and such
- colorado again
- Handy Mobile
- heh
- i am so sleepy.
- oh yea..
- home
- weddings
- all influence is immoral
- photolog
- Cyborg Heart
- mms 2 blog
- hehe.
- tatu
- things are weird
- wow. what an algorithm
- fellatio barn
- Porting from sprint to t-mobile
- T610 Themes...
- photolog
- theming the T610
- stuff.. phones.
- Game Cube Killas
- I got a new cell phone.
- thanksgiving was a sham..
- Everything is so confusing.
- whoooooooo
- doh..
- crobar.. weekend at marks.. yoyos.. etc..
- i keep finding myself a bit sleepy.
- tivo oh my tivo.
- stupid electronics...
- w00t.. pinging i am
- METAL... uhh.. i mean hanson
- tivo is mine!!!!!!
- bubba ho-tep
- man o man.. i don't know quite what to think.
- Last night i was resurrected.
- i am dumb
- ok dohkee. so i have slept
- ok
- gentle hum of a hundred computers..
- late in the evening
- LUNCH.. i mean launch..
- jesus christ.
- stupid howard stern
- XLST for itunes
- wow
- colorful colorado... REPRISE
- hehe.. rockets are fun
- jesus.. bwahahahahah
- wtf i am sick again..
- w00t.. ps2 rules
- booting linux on the PS2
- Kill Bill
- Smart Playlists are my friend
- hehe..
- itunes part 2
- i got fancy boots.. lalalalalal
- itunes... heh
- trickery
- so the cubs lost
- poor cubs
- i figured it out
- hehe. .awesome..
- omg.. this weekend was a good time.
- umm yea.. i should eat..
- liberal media bias
- bad rep..
- i broke my ears.
- whee
- uh oh
- hehe. how i love the internet
- world ender
- Bush's record..
- o m g
- fooo- wooo- vie?
- My Trip
- Privacy.
- sweetness...
- this has been very helpful
- this is awesome..
- my friend scott.
- so.. my cold is incredibly strange
- Sick Sick Sick Sick
- Nifty
- remind me
- BBQ and juggling.
- building servers
- Blue line...
- goddamnit. hehe
- w00t: harper's back. Back again.
- nyc nyc
- irc irc irc irc irc irc irc irc irc irc irc irc
- i rule.
- insanity
- whew. i am so tired.
- a friend sent me this..
- angela.. left.. sad..
- sleepy
- dang ..
- time to sleep i suppose
- i think
- online communities
- friendster rules..
- king diamond rules.
- i am reading an incredibly rough book
- hash corporate
- tonight.. heh..
- whew..
- clouds..
- looter
- archive...
- math
- Super fan
- apparently
- hehe
- khaki
- crunk hop.. ahh yea.. tuesday
- last night..
- fun fun fun.. in the sun...
- lay sir
- i am a good pilot
- lasers
- today ruled
- yesterday..
- weird
- i love power tools
- alex chiu is my mom
- keel yer idles
- Sorry, people, cycling is not a sport
- heh.. silly FBI.. always violating rights and protecting..
- A TOOL!!
- my friend.. this is the end..
- jukka jukka
- bloggers
- ahh..
- late late
- su su su su su su su
- bloody..
- anger
- i've got no legs. i've got no legs..
- work rules
- rule..
- apparently i am never supposed to trust major tom.
- christ i am not
- woah
- last night was a mess...
- Jugglers of LOVE..
- last night..
- whew...
- eeekk
- i droppped like a ton of bricks
- meeting
- friendster
- hot hot hot
- when i am awesome i look like:
- work work work
- i am amazed
- nascar
- I love you justice scalia
- i don't know what has gotten into me
- links.. links.. links.. i am tired
- hehe - kenny roger's jackass
- very nice and sad weekend
- hehehe.. wtf..
- i know you are all very worried..
- goddamn
- tank destroyer. i mean my head is afire with thought
- heh.
- wheeee canned
- my room is such a mess
- w00t w00t
- drug user
- music
- btw
- Iowa
- Winamp cracks me up..
- whoo ha
- tonight
- yoyo tricks
- 26th hour
- Heart i choke
- tnight
- Indy 500
- Sleepy
- r0x0r
- Cold Medicine
- so today i am a grown up...
- yipppeee
- audreyhacking.com
- member's only
- once again
- Weekend Smeekend
- boredom
- Valley of Wind
- i am home.
- wow.
- age
- juggling juggling
- w00t part 2
- Diamonds
- too bad
- Yo Yo YO
- blogger die
- passing me by
- Fun at work
- so tired.
- Finally
- Diamonds
- Nice
- Today was weird
- tron
- WooHooo
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
- hohowhwhaahahahah
- Dell rules!
- tee hee
- nice weather
- for some reason i am still awake
- steak and eggs
- whoa
- wyrd
- dream...
- yoyo
- This weekend
- jesus
- new new new
- lalala connect the dots..
- Sprint OTA delivery script
- sleepy
- back at work
- linuxKILLa: i feel like a trophy wife
- eminem is angry
- error
- blogs
- Happy Birthday to me
- wheee!
- sad sad sad
- tee hee
- totally
- Web Cam Girls
- Smart
- Frolic in brine, goblins be thine..
- man..
- oh boy oh boy.
- haxors
- aeiiii
- maddox rules
- Strange encounters with beast men.
- ben a. wile
- Wired Audrey
- dream of the requiem
- upgrade
- last temptation
- tv magic
- we be clubin
- very interesting
- our world rules
- icon = religious graphics
- Agent orange
- TDD for ALL States
- whoa nelly.. wtf.. why is that album named that.. seriously..
- work si cola
- george
- trains like buses
- Once again...
- today i am flying
- Boston i will arrive in..
- gerbil
- juggling fest part 2
- man men woman women
- friend jon
- A simulation..
- trouble..
- linxor
- grocery
- insanity
- argh
- Words.. words.. words
- man.. i hate driving
- Happy new years..
- Week end.
- I am back.. harpers back
- Merry Xmas
- whooo haaa
- Long Beach..
- once again
- ughhh..
- stomp
- Jesus
- wicked
- Worked
- Whoa
- Thanksgiving pictures
- Thoughts about the past/future and distance
- Free WIFI in DIA
- Thanksgiving part two or part one or part ten... nobody knows
- driving in a car
- heheh. i am dumb :(
- Rule
- U.S.A.
- massive
- Tomarrow brings..
- Movement
- Something happened
- throw it up.. throw it up.. throw it up..
- Naked
- humor
- Hmm..
- propaganda
- drugs are bad
- a lot of troops
- I am tired
- guantanamo airlines
- davidson's movie.
- wtf
- Just the normal stuff
- Community & Digital Rights
- I love mary
- Halloween tonight?
- org chart
- Agree with me
- emo
- Paul Wellstone
- smoke on the water
- fun fun
- memories..
- wifi in you eye
- surprise surprise
- Too Bad..
- weekend is done. i am sad
- Wheeeee
- 3gscreensaver.com
- Doug Martsch..
- i ate raw meat
- theis weekend i slept
- Funk
- whoo hooo
- Public Enemy
- Bone, Thugs and harmony
- Sooooo
- Man.. oh Man
- Tonight.
- wow
- getting stabbed in the stomach with a knife would really really hurt
- We may are become fire
- Hitler
- Whoa..
- tone inmy arm.
- Culture
- Whooo Hooo
- wireless interaction.
- fear..
- Addition
- One year..
- A500Hacking.com
- Weekend Schmeekend
- I need to remember to get my news from:
- I want to fly...
- weekend rocks
- silly human race
- signs, lies and video tapes
- wifi blues
- Whoa magic mind reading
- today is kinda weird
- good news/bad news.
- the Last night
- Shark Week rules
- more fun coming your way
- hmm
- This dude totally flips out
- lets dance..
- so...
- dance to the music
- welcome back.
- I wanna live in los angelos
- Cheney will act his revenge against those who speak ill
- boom
- blueberry soup..
- disjointed
- outkast.. the roots..
- Hand in the Bush
- So
- all day i dream about spanish encyclopedias
- Clearly Americans must prevent George W. Bush's attack on Iraq.
- fire.. i bring you to die
- chicago info
- Bush
- this weekend.. -- -- -- -- this entry is out of control.
- I type poorly.
- Aerial Photos
- deisgn (i spelled this incorrectly.. and then i thought it was funny.. so yea)
- fear
- carnival cruise lines
- long long ago
- i am serious.
- youth of today
- i liked tonight.. heh.. haha..
- work
- Jugglers of Death
- new
- Redicule
- allegiance pledge
- K M F D M
- Today is a rather good day
- jesus it is hot
- out of hand.
- cook your way to freedom
- laptop..
- wheee
- AIM high
- yesterday.
- meanwhile
- i can't see any longer..
- eager
- for the years of terror we have invoked on them
- hello. and welcome to the future
- whatever... i do what i want..
- heh
- britney part 3
- indy 500 - b00ya
- today
- rock and roll star
- tuo siht kcehc
- high voltage fun!!
- A great way to paper the city.
- belle and sebastion
- hehe
- lemy
- theophagy
- Red power
- reign
- spidey shoes
- killer
- Fashion pics
- moc and such
- This weekend was good.
- Today is a good day for random stuff.
- heh
- omg wtf
- whoa
- evil
- they never seem to stop...
- iowa...
- i am so tired
- night
- cannibalcorpse
- once again...
- Win Win Win Win
- rocker
- rock stars
- bastion of consumerism.
- experimentation
- Funny as hell
- sick
- whew
- earlier today
- future
- strange
- Yes master..
- It is far too late..
- hey!
- everyday.
- whoa!!!
- This world is a wierd place.. no really it is..
- the tax man..
- tonight
- this world is crazy
- My birthday is today
- a new internet hobby.
- Mr. roboto
- hehe.
- FEAR: Einstein may be a prophet
- gw bush
- WEstCoast
- huh
- david copperfield
- ahh the lovely smell of nuclear war.
- The last night
- metal.
- hey geeks
- cleanse
- yeser day
- Sometimes..
- I love the internet
- fear.
- Inclimate weather..
- First time for everything...
- Producers
- what up...
- metal
- The magical mystery tour
- You down with OTB
- the best movie ever... !!
- Happy Valentines day everyone
- Cripple Smash.
- anti-castro
- Activities.
- very tired
- a lot has happened
- wierd
- Machines of Grace
- Lots of pictures and a crazy face
- fashion victim
- Once again fear is present...
- Technology
- Hehe...
- Queen..
- Breakdancing...
- AIM fun.
- requiem
- Dreams. China. and computers.. hehe
- grep
- Tonight.. Tonight.. Tonight.. Tonight
- more ABC fun
- The final solution
- Caught red handed
- Gravity
- Laptronica
- MadFest
- madison
- faster than a speeding bullet
- acidhead
- ninjas rule.
- tonight..
- arrgghhh
- remember
- Milwaukee.. a breakthrough and the redesign is complete
- last night
- calm
- I am so tired.
- wow it is late.
- well... well.. well...
- yeaaaa
- irony
- another one for the books
- This year....
- r00ted
- I like buildings
- communication is KEY
- blows
- Stunts.
- Today...
- It is better
- sunshine
- hmmm....
- After some concern...
- Happy Birthday
- i was losing faith..
- a good thing
- Don't ask don't tell
- LOTR ruled
- home
- Well... we may be in trouble
- Cut off his feet
- I don't know what is going on..
- Corporate Culture
- psyops
- Sick
- 300 terabytes is a lot
- The weather...
- lasers
- Nemesis Factor
- sometimes...
- NaTa2.info
- Is Britney Spears?
- CSC Quotes
- wow
- Late Night in the airport.
- Colorado
- strange
- Audreyhacking is famous?
- Metal
- One year.
- Another wierd dream
- Check this out!!
- Wierd Wierd links
- Flash
- hehe
- Juggling Festival and the magical mysterious...
- Bush is whack
- Everyday is halloween.
- Almost there
- Early in the morning
- Jane's Addiction
- A very good sentence...
- Check out my neighborhood
- Grammar
- Faint
- Anniversary
- MM and Britney
- Sorry and Britney 2
- how to become human
- Two things
- What I do
- Fantomas
- A long absence for a lot to think about
- War is upon us.
- wtf is right
- 10 Months and the long drive ahead...
- Built to Spill
- Anime
- College is gone...
- Lampreys
- Madonna is god
- tales for the l33t
- Bushed
- Thong or Doggie
- Britiney Spears
- JJ.. Oh yea
- New Server!
- Server send off...
- Hobbies... uhh.. geek
- slashdot.org sucks...
- Wet.. Cold.. Flood
- Sad Books
- Damn!! It is Hot!!!
- I love other countries
- Sad, sad i am
- Mix tapes..
- Servers, I love Servers
- Posting
- Vampires and Cornell..
- K*star
- The final battle
- Hosting..
- Goddamn Hosting Providers
- Typographic illustrations
- Hosting woes
- Web Appliances...
- Chicago
- Today is the 3rd of july..
- Welcome to the new nata2.org
- Domains 4 me. ....
- No internet for me. No servers for me. No computers for me.
- Subduction
- Imperialism
- Chicago.. The final Frontier
- Chill
- Spring Break
- Anniversary
- Fear
- Valentines
- servers
- K*star
- Ireland
- Hip Hop and you too
- Christ
- Week.. Belt
- Lax
- Insanity
- Finishty
- Volcano 2
- all day
- Import
- Well
- good day
- update
- Volcanos
- Program
- First Post
- solution
- bored
- Latin Sux
- New Me?
- small pants
- fice
- chinatown
- hipster
- chi town art
- dive
- milestone