yea yea yea. i will update my blog..
heh. yea so my friends have “caught” me. busted for sure: [@vanwinkle] is harper giving up blogging? [clock] yeah I think so its been …totoro. medicine women
this is pretty funny. sometimes I wish I had a secret place to store things. like a mary poppins bag of sorts that I could carry around and …anaglyph
so I took a break today at work and looked at red/blue 3d pictures with these super fancy three d glasses that a coworker has. it rules. it …i amaze myself with my ability to not die.
hehe. this weekend was an incredible experiment in what I can take - mostly in regards to sleep deprevation - but also in regards to alcohol …oh yea.
This weekend was good. on friday there was a blond redhead show. I was initially a bit scared that they woudn’t represent their recorded …The disaster it could have been...
Last night was so dope. We, the J.O.D. juggled at chris holmes’ electro shw at te metro. it was sooo much fun. all my friends were there - …yo yo yo
for the love of god it was a great weekend. Work has been interesting. a lot of drama and going forwards-ness. it is nice. finally stuff is …w00t: harper's back. Back again.
This time with a twist. So today sucked. seriously. nothing went rigth. stupid script kiddies were attacking my servers. syn flooding my …nyc nyc
So yesterday was nuts. I got up made sure I was packed for nyc and went to work. at work - I was whisked away on a cruise around lake …