I really hate Comcast
My Comcast cable Internet has been out 4 times in the last 2 months. It is killing me. When speakeasy used to go out (very rarely), I would …WTF TicketMaster
I really hate TicketMaster. Seriously. They are scamming people left and right. It is insane how much tickets are. Today - hiromi and I …Grindhouse. An awesome weekend and my new phone love!
This weekend was pretty fun. Hiromi and I hung out a bunch. We went and saw Grindhouse. it was entertaining. I didn't like planet terror. I …Driving in Colorado
Dylan is driving me and Sarah to my grandfathers house, as I write this. its pretty funny that technology has brought us this far. I cant …Keith Olbermann is pretty awesome.
I am not a fan of the current administration. In fact you could say that I really despise the current leadership of the United States. It is …to the person that told me to capitalize my Is and cross my Ts
I don’t believe in it. and its my blog. where is yours?