i suppose i will continue
on where I left off just a second ago. so anyawy. this weekend was a lot of fun. I did a little bit of christmas shopping - got soem gift0rs …released
so andy and I have been working very hard to finish our new project. and here it is:iTunesBlogger v.01heh. I rule. basically it is a utility …it has and it will be. ghosts in my eyes
the last couple days have been pretty weird. I didn’t feel like posting at all. which is in itself pretty different. usually I post as a …god damn.
my arms hurt a lot. I got my vaccinations today for india. it ruled. however. it has destroyed my arm. DESTROYED. well arms really. both are …i am incredibly tired.
i feel better. even matt said I looked and acted more chilled out. I really feel more chilled out. morgan and I talked and came to a point …