so damned busy
Yes. it is true. i am freakishly busy. and of course while being freakishly busy i find the most time expensive hobby ever. So matiss and i …check out my new tool
I wrote a new tool after work today. Check it out: I needed a way to view what keywords woudl display what ads with Google's incredible …by the time I get to arizona...
Those are my cousins. of course they are awesome. and I will be hanging out with them tomorrow. it should be fun. I am flying out tonight. …hehe. i love bush
check out this comic. so very very true. unfortunately it is being banned by newspapers all over. too bad it is true. heh. I love shit like …when showers attack
so today - I am chilling - taking a shower and my wall attacked me. I was just brushing my teeth in the shower and I turned around and the …it has and it will be. ghosts in my eyes
the last couple days have been pretty weird. I didn’t feel like posting at all. which is in itself pretty different. usually I post as a …online communities
i guess I still need to write that paper on online communities and the socialization of online relationships. Especially in light of …