Investigating the nabaztag
I got my gumstix today and was lauding the fanciness of the smallest comptuer i have EVER seen, explaining to my coworker Dan how i was …can't sleep. stupid cold.
seirously. i just lay in bed. feeling sick. breathing out of my mouth and bummed that i can’t sleep. so i thought up a couple interesting …Ambient devices. building ideas.
Awhile ago i picked myself up an ambient orb. It is a really cool idea - basically a device that will let you see information at a glance. …Sad violent books about society
So i have been reading these short, sad, very violent books about society. It is pretty rough. the first i read was A Personal Matter by …hifi zone
haha. anyway.. i am going to build out a new stereo for my room. i am pretty excited. It will be a simple inexpensive/expensive hifi system. …