Gmail Apps for Domains
So for the last couple months skinnyCorp has been working on moving hosts. It has been pretty fun and interesting and there are a few things …My Google Talk is broken.
For some reason my google talk is broken for my person gmail account. It doesn’t log me in while i am in gmail, or gaim, or even using their …got gmail back. weird...
So i got gmail back this morning. had a bundle of mail that i didn’t get to see yesterday. weird. What was really annoying was that google …email is not around right now..
I am freaking out.. hah. my email isn’t really working right now. I foward all email i receive from harper @ to my gmail account …google is my favorite friend/evil entity
this is an excellent write up on the incredible google maps. the most important thing he says is: I also think it bears noting that Google …importing your old mail into gmail :: go cart action
so today over lunch I decided it would be a good idea to import my old email into gmail. it rules. check out the tool that I am using. …skinny puppy was good
it was nice. I have bruises. I am real sleepy. and I smell like goth kids. they smell real bad. I am also a bit hungry. I wasn;t like 20 …gmail
so I got a gmail account. it is pretty dope. a completely different way to use email. it is kinda crazy. I don’t like that you cannot import …