Putting the blame on your vendors for the win.
In the past week there were a couple of companies(tumblr and 37signals) who publically blamed Rackspace for the downtime of their sites …this is a long awaited post
I am lost in regards to what to listen to. I need something new. Or old. i don’t know. This is really amazing. For some reason people are …I made this tonight
Instead of going clubbing i made this wite with my friend jeffrey: WhoTheHeck.com sign up and make it go. I tired to make it nice and ajaxy. …so damned busy
Yes. it is true. i am freakishly busy. and of course while being freakishly busy i find the most time expensive hobby ever. So matiss and i …holy butterball
I am back. i have been back since sunday night - it was a trip. I really liked san fran and i really liked hanging with noah and the gravity …haxoring stuff and rails. and i guess some sleep
So i can walk now. that is an improvement. The best part is that it totally left as fast as it came. really weird. or not weird. So i made …railsday.com experience
So andy and i did rails day on saturday. It was quite an experience. We started about 10am and worked until about 6pm. We got almost the …see.. i told you so.
So i had written some crappy post on how i made this it said: here check it out here. i have been listening to only t. rex. i love it. After …ajaxed up on ruby on rails. seriously this time.
So i haven’t really been posting to my blog as i would like. I have instead been coding ruby on rails applications. it is fun. i am kinda …ruby on rails
I decided to follow the pack of wild php developers and attack ruby on rails. it rules. in the past 30 hours of dayish time - i have spent a …