neti pots are rough. well not as rough.. but still a bit rough..
So today after running some errands downtown i came home and about died. I slept like a baby until around 10. confused and hungry i awoke. I …neti pot.
Wow. now that was pretty weird. My nose is full of saline water residue. hopefully it will be nice.Man. Oh. Man.
So i am kinda tired. i have been sick for the last month. it is lame. First i thought it was just jetlag mixed with matiss’s germs from his …can't sleep. stupid cold.
seirously. i just lay in bed. feeling sick. breathing out of my mouth and bummed that i can’t sleep. so i thought up a couple interesting …stupid sleep. i hate you!
So last nights late night game playing was maybe not the best idea to quell my sickness. but it ruled so much. we came to my work around 7 …weird...
there is a thunderstorm outside. its november. wtf. i am sick. i haven’t gone out in awhile. i have slept a LOT. a whole LOT. and cleaned. …i broke something
So my foot really really hurts. i have NO idea what i did. seriously. none. no memory of banging it on something, or hitting it, or crushing …whale. big. boat. little.
I love flickr. it is great. My friend thom has posted what could be one of the most amazing pictures i have ever seen. check it out here. …i get the most awesome email ever
seriously. I was just sitting here at home waiting for things to happen. and BAM something happened. I got an email from …so tired. this weekend. etv. weddings are fun and weird
this weekend I went to colorado to see my friend sarah get married. it was pretty fun. I really enjoy weddings even though they are so …i got my bike today
this weekend was awesome. on thursday I hung out with a dope friend - we got dinner and drinks - it was pretty nice. I went home for a quick …stupid sick ::
i hate being sick. it totally blows. I love black metal. I really don’t know how they are related. but I have listened to black metal for …today i lost it
this domain I just purchased. it is gone. disappeared. hopefully it will come back. i keep waking up pretty sick. like there is a phlegm …oh yea. thats right. no idea whats going on.
i woke up this morning with both a strange sickness in my throat and an feeling that I had lost all ability to type. it was weird. this …yoyoyo all the good men are dieing.
so the past month - I have reengaged my ears in a black metal journey. it is awesome. I <3 black metal. I have been listening to primarily …sick
i am sick. I stayed home today. the first time in quite awhile. I just was tired of waking up and feeling like hell. so I decided that …so. this is a story
yesterday and last nigth was pretty fun. guru, siddu and myself all went around bangalore again. this time we hung out in a very popular and …i just got up
i am supposed to go juggle with matiss. however. I lost matiss. where is he. The dog I grew up with is really sick aand being put to sleep …oh yea.
This weekend was good. on friday there was a blond redhead show. I was initially a bit scared that they woudn’t represent their recorded …yo!
this is pretty funny. as is this. I made a bunch of entries today. this is nice.i talked to morgan a couple tiems today on aim. it is kinda …tired
hehe. so I just back from the doctor - my annual checkup I guess. I don’t often go but in light of seeing my family get sick and then better …things are weird
so I am home. my parents picked me up from the airport and we went to eat at the cherry creek grill. it was nice. it was very colorado. …so.. my cold is incredibly strange
today I coked myself up on cold medicine and pain killers and made it to work on time.. did work fine.. maybe a little less conscious.. but …Sick Sick Sick Sick
I am really sick. it sucks quite a bit. I have a sore throat, achy bones, tired joints, sinus headache, and I can’t eat. sad day. I have …eeekk
i am sick today. it sucks. but I “refound” this humorous and enlightening article.. not necessarily safe for work or children.yipppeee
So I was rather sick yesterday.. I felt like hell. so I slept from 6-10 and then hung out from 10-11 and then went back to bed. but I …
heh. check it out. I am famous. hehe. supposedly their is a book. I need the book ;)i can’t sleep. I am sick. I can’t sleep. I am sick.once again
i feel like I have been ehre before. it is almost four o clock.. although the post will not have that time stamp.. the server’s time is a …oh boy oh boy.
I have needed to update this site for so long. I guess really since last thursday. So last thursday I went out with some friends.. maybe a …whoa nelly.. wtf.. why is that album named that.. seriously..
man. I had a rough weekend. I am so so tired. t I r e d . . this entry will be composed of me complaining.. just letting you know ;). I have …work si cola
I am at work. doing work. and I am really sick. it sucks. i am tired. Hopefully I will take off early and curl up and sleep.Once again...
I sit here in training for a search engine.. and the world potentially falls apart. well.. one thing is for sure.. bush rules. I mean jesus, …juggling fest part 2
so we got back from madfest last night rather late. I went to bed and I woke up sick. I hate being sick. Madfest ruled however. I had a …Worked
Today I didn’t goto work. I was sick and didn’t feel like I could make it through a whole day of work. I haven’t been eating all that well.. …davidson's movie.
My friend Davidson Cole has made a movie called Design. It is about: Eighteen-year-old Sonya is struggling to save her father from …Man.. oh Man
Tonight I went to see El P. it was really great. I like El P. Mr. Lif is also really really good. so nice to here really great hip-hop.i was …weekend rocks
This weekend I worked. I ended a 14 day streak of working 8 hours or more a day. it was rough. but I finally had a one day vacation. suxor. …moc and such
I have a strange hobby where I look at people peronal home pages. I really enjoy reading peoples blogs and learning all sorts of interesting …It is far too late..
I am sleepy I should have gone to bed sooner. It is now really late. I have a strange urge to listen to death metal constantly. I hope to …This year....
After finishing the previous pseudo-rant.. I decided to add an afterward to new years day: Ok so this year hasn’t started out exactly in the …Sick
After being rather sick for the last couple days I have decided to cut off my own arms. You should all go by the game set it rules.Well
I really enjoy not being sick. It rocks. I also enjoy building web pages. I wish i didn’t have school.. and sometime even a social life.. so …