god damn.
my arms hurt a lot. I got my vaccinations today for india. it ruled. however. it has destroyed my arm. DESTROYED. well arms really. both are …itunes part 2
So I have been using itunes for around 24 hours now. I have come to the conclusion that we in the PC world are lucky. We have a plethora of …itunes... heh
so itunes came out for windows today. it is awesome. well sorta. it was a pain in the ass importing music and such. It is awesome to buy …Diamonds
Today I purchased a brief case of diamonds from ebay. I can’t wait to get them. Hopefully I will become very wealthy from this investment.. …I am back.. harpers back
anyway.. I am sitting here, back at work, typing this entry in lynx - cuz my windows and primary desktop broke good. ;) I have replaced the …A great way to paper the city.
Some activists have papered the city of chicago. It is great. My boss came into one of our offices and pointed out the thousands and …Cripple Smash.
Heh. I really want to port cripple smash to the web. I was in contact some years ago with the author about possibly porting it to PHP or …