icon = religious graphics
So washington is prepared. I would be so surprised if we were to receive a air strike. could you imagine what would happen. beside the fear …they never seem to stop...
Technologists are so crazy. they never seem to stop trying to figure out what is going on. this is a great link exemplifing this very idea. …future
even though I am employed, I still wonder what I want to be when I am grown up. I really don’t know. but I do know one thing: when I grow up …Lax
I haven’t added any entries in awhile.. I have been sorta busy. I have a new class, Data structures. Fun Fun… programming and such.. but …Volcanos
As you can see. I have a lot to do right now.. heh.. maybe i should become productive.. well.. So i am in a class about volcanos.. heh.. it …bored
Today i sat in class. I noticed that my prof has a lot of energy.Latin Sux
I start school again. I am not as excited as i should be, cuz i got latin. I hate latin. Its too hard to be fun. i wish it were like “really …