Going to Japan.
So I leave on Sunday to go visit Hiromi in Tokyo. I am excited. It will be my 3rd time visiting her this year and I will be there for 13 …Thanksgiving'd: Rockets, Capes and family
After a really nice long week in Colorado I am sadly back in Chicago and back to work. We had a fun time. I got in two Fridays ago. I …fixed
i am fixed. but now I need a new book. I imagine I will wait until tomorrow - when I am in colorado. or maybe I will get one tonight. and …so yea. happy holidays
I love not going to work. It is so entertaining. I just sleep and sleep and sleep. and sleep. and then go out and play. it was fun. I am …happy xmas and such
So we had a great xmas. I am glad to be back but I was really happy to be able to spend christmas with my family. my cat had a hole in it. …thanksgiving was a sham..
So I just got back.. well not just but recently got back from my parents house in colorful colorado and we had our fake thanksgiving. it was …Thanksgiving pictures
I forgot to mention that there are some pictures from saturdays pseudo thanksgiving. it was a great time. check it out.Chicago
I have decided that the reason the 3rd of july is so big is that chicago is a working city. a city where eveyone get the 4th off, but most …