i am going to punch your arms with a stick
this weekend was pretty fun. I hung out with the fam. yea know the drill. I apparently let my parents car out of the closet. stupid cars. …insanity
this is insanity linUXkilla (2:05:12 PM): phunktoad (2:05:15 PM): have you watched the little …hehehe.. wtf..
woah.. that is so insane. tonight I am goign to a party at marcia’s house after I eat dinner with matiss and bec and hiromi and others. it …Cold Medicine
Today I had another battle: me vs. pseudo-ephedrine and caffiene. I lost the battle, however I won the war. I finally got some nyquil so …Strange encounters with beast men.
So this weekend was incredible. It was also INSANE. seriously. on friday I hung out with a bunch of friends at the ladytron show. Which btw, …Insanity
I am going insane.. i spent 12 hours in a car today.. word.. that is a lot of hours.. i usually don’t mind.. the drive from iowa.. but this …