neti pots are rough. well not as rough.. but still a bit rough..
So today after running some errands downtown i came home and about died. I slept like a baby until around 10. confused and hungry i awoke. I …stupid sleep. i hate you!
So last nights late night game playing was maybe not the best idea to quell my sickness. but it ruled so much. we came to my work around 7 …today i lost it
this domain I just purchased. it is gone. disappeared. hopefully it will come back. i keep waking up pretty sick. like there is a phlegm …oh yea. thats right. no idea whats going on.
i woke up this morning with both a strange sickness in my throat and an feeling that I had lost all ability to type. it was weird. this …eeekk
i am sick today. it sucks. but I “refound” this humorous and enlightening article.. not necessarily safe for work or
heh. check it out. I am famous. hehe. supposedly their is a book. I need the book ;)i can’t sleep. I am sick. I can’t sleep. I am sick.