i am sleepy. last night was another of claudia’s bbq’s. which was awesome. if i didn’t lose my camera - i think i have some pretty funny …ohhh... stuff got insane
oh yea. so stability, unrest and insanity are all ways to describe my current feelings. basically nothing is making sense and everything is …the world never stops
this is the best quote I have heard in many moons. ANGORA8: my friend’s girlfriend always wears corduroy and it sounds like gerbils …whew. finally updated. for real.
it has been a weird couple days. It all started last wednesday. tommie called me to alert me of his presence and invite me to scissor …hehe
last night we went to innjoy and hung. it was poppin. seirously. off the hook. ZombieBet (9:42:35 AM): u are a party animal and yr …error
So I went to an oscar party tonight. I showed up and suddenly realized that my rocker charade was not going to cut it at the formal party I …Weekend Schmeekend
So this weekend was the weekend of roomate house warming parties. It was fun. On friday I went and saw my friends band.. winnie. heh.. which …