game anew
here is a new game for yall. I hope you like it. my best is 85. w00t. apparently the party tonight is pants-less. this often happens to me …weddings
today I went to the doctor, hung out with my father and mother, played games, and then watched a couple of movies. it ruled.My father is …hehe.
so tonight was alot of fun. it is weird though.. being in this position. tonight we played a bunch of games and such. it ruled. I really …Everything is so confusing.
So work got hard again. everyone is super stressed and really getting down about this project. I am confident it will be resolved soon …hehe.. rockets are fun
So I am in colorado.. hanging out with my parents and my brother. it is a lot of fun. I saw my cousins football game today. he did a good …this is awesome..
i windo you?Indy 500
The indy 500 rules. it is so totally insane. Last night we rolled in about 10 oclock and arrived amidst a bout of drunken insanity. This man …whoa
ever wondered how to make a One Atmosphere Plasmoid? me neither.. but I have wondered what happens when you put a bunch of stuff in to a …man.. i hate driving
So I have this car and I hate driving it. I never hated it before I moved to chicago. it is just so annoying.. parking and all that crap …Long Beach..
So last night my brother graduated college. It was probably the most entertaining graduation ceremony I have seen in a long long time. One …Thanksgiving part two or part one or part ten... nobody knows
So today we had our real.. thanksgiving. it was fun. We had all sorts of relatives and all sorts of friends come over and hang out and play …disjointed
Today has been weird. I am almost done with my encyclopedia. like pretty much finished. so I am in a rut.. trying top find all of the little …Hand in the Bush
So anyway. this weekend was incredibly hot. like not fun hot. I was not excited. I can’t quite remember what exactly went down this weekend. …