Filtering for "Programming"
- Use an llm to automagically generate meaningful git commit messages
- 2008 Retrospective
- Rails and Wired magazine
- I have a idea on the tip of my tongue
- hmm.
- My newest twitter hack: Twitter IRC bot
- Last nights web-dev itch
- Last night was insane: tags car is broken, hung out with cool peeps
- Some quick youtube hackings
- In other news...
- Gumstix, myspace, php and other nerdy stuff.
- I made this tonight
- ajaxed up on ruby on rails. seriously this time.
- ruby on rails
- need sleep. stat. love. csharp.
- i need something to do.. or something
- it appears as though
- i suppose i will continue
- i amaze myself with my ability to not die.
- check out my new hack
- i don't understand why it has to be this way.
- i feel the need to update this thing.
- XLST for itunes
- trickery
- archive...
- whoa
- haxors
- Cripple Smash.
- grep
- Stunts.
- Colorado
- K*star
- Week.. Belt
- Lax
- Program
- First Post